About Us
Tiverton & Heathcoat Photographic Club was formed over 50 years ago.
Meetings take a variety of forms, with visiting speakers, regular competition nights, practical evenings and members sharing their own interests and skills.
Its membership is a diverse group of individuals interested in taking and viewing photographs.
You are welcome to come along to any evening as a taster session, with a maximum of 2 sessions before taking up membership. Membership is open to all persons interested in photography aged 16 years and over.
The Tiverton Heathcoat Photographic Club meets at the
Old Heathcoat Community Centre
81 King St, Tiverton EX16 5JJ
at 7.30pm on Mondays from September to April

The subscription year starts on 1st February each year.
The subscription is set each year at the Annual General Meeting.
Our Membership is £35 per year
Subscriptions for new members will be on a graduated scale as decided at the Annual General Meeting.
Membership shall be open to anyone aged 16 years or over, subject to the approval of the committee.
Membership of the club will automatically imply agreement to and compliance with the rules of the club.
Membership will include the use of all the facilities of the club and optional entry to any of the competitions therein.
The General Committee shall reserve the right to refuse membership to any person at its discretion.
Any member may resign from the club upon formal notice in writing to the Secretary. Such member must return any money or property belonging to the club before leaving.
The club shall not accept responsibility for any or mishap to any club member or their property however caused.
In the event of any dispute or disagreement, any member shall have the right to put their case to the General Committee for a ruling. Any such ruling shall be final and binding on all parties.
Any member required to use public or private transport while on club business can apply to the club for reimbursement of those expenses.
Any non member who is interested in joining the club may attend up to two meetings as a visitor at a cost of £2 per visit.
Tiverton Heathcoat Photographic Club
PROGRAMME FOR 2024/25 (Preliminary)
2 Practical – PDI Images from “Steam Punk” evening
Bring your PDI’s for viewing and discussion
9 “An evening with Brian Northmore Photography”
Zoom Presentation with Brian Northmore
16 Print Mounting by Tony Britton
23 Critique – PDI - 2 Subject (Close up Section of Local Ancient
Architecture) & 2 Open
30 Critique – Prints - 3 Open
7 An evening with John Caluori
14 Part 1 - “My Year of Triptychs”
Zoom Presentation with John Baker
Part 2 – TBA
Zoom Presentation with Stuart Chapman
21 Critique – PDI - 2 Subject (Macro Fauna or Flora) & 2 Open
28 Critique – Prints - 3 Open
4 An evening with Keith Galliford
11 “The Quest and Beyond”
Zoom Presentation with John Hudson, ARPS, DPAGB, SPSA, ASPS
18 Critique – PDI - 2 Subject (Transport Old and New) & 2 Open
25 Critique – Prints - 3 Open
2 An evening with Nicky Cook
9 Critique – PDI - 2 Subjects (Clouds) & 2 Open
16 An evening out - “Christmas Lights” + Supper
6 An evening with Ros Nichols
20 Critique – PDI - 2 Subject (Rooftops) & 2 Open
27 Critique – Prints - 3 Open

3 Practical – TBA
10 “It’s not what you See, it’s what you Make”
Zoom presentation with Mike Martin, AWPE, EFIAP
17 Critique – PDI - 2 Subject (Yachts) & 2 Open
24 Critique – Prints - 3 Open
3 WCPF Travelling Prints 2024/25
10 “Bugged Beyond Belief”
Zoom presentation with Tim Crabb
17 Critique – PDI - 2 Subject (Silhouette) & 2 Open
24 Critique – Prints - 3 Open
31 “Snap Challenge”
2 teams .. 2 captains.. 40 images .. any subject.. 2 laptops .. 2 projectors ..
An evening organised by Ros Nichols
7 A Practical A.V evening with Dennis Knowles
14 Critique – PDI - 2 Subject (Lone Tree) & 2 Open
28 Critique – Prints 3 Open